According to the BBFC, films granted with either a 12A or 12 certificate must handle mature themes in a manor that is appropriate to that of a young teenager. |
Much like the certificate of the film, the genre also changes the potential audience of the film. I would say that a drama, for the most part, is a character driven story focusing on a series of events; they can be gripping, exciting and even emotional. This then, allows for a wide range of audiences to be interested in the film, thus creating a much larger audience range. If you think about, there is probably a sense of 'drama' in most films ever made - you can see from film websites such as IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, a film may be classed as a thriller, kids movie or even mystery/suspense, but they all may be labelled 'drama' too. This is why the drama genre bodes well for the short film; many may not be interested in horror movies, sci-fi or romcoms, but drama has the potential to incorporate elements of many genres into one eventful film.
A short list of films, illustrating how varied a 'drama' can be; there are kids dramas, sci-fi dramas, fantasy dramas, mystery dramas, etc, etc. |
We would expect our short film to be watched mainly on YouTube. Other places it will available to watch are on Facebook and our blog. Each website allows for a different type of audience; Facebook and YouTube are more likely to attract the average viewer - considering the sheer number of uploads on YouTube, it's highly unlikely that friends and family will find our short film without guidance, so we will be pointing friends/family toward our film upon its completion.
YouTube - home to thousands of short films. |
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