Tuesday, 15 November 2011


The story we have decided upon is quite strange as we can play around with certain scenes to make them create a certain atmosphere. For this specific changes in lighting might help to create a different effect which is why we are looking into different lighting effects by using things such as flood lights and the use of torches. For a lot of the major lighting it will require flood lights to create different effects as well as giving the idea that it is night. This is okay because both college and myself have access to them and we would be able to borrow them for the time we need.


The use of flood lights also allows us the possibility to use gel filters to create different coloured lighting to subconsciously alter how the audience perceives the film. For example, the use of red lighting to insinuate danger or white lighting to show innocence. It would allow us to also show the emotion that the child was feeling for example if it was slightly red when the door was being shaken and then when his mother opens it and he sees it is safe the lighting changes to either green or white, it would deepen the effect that the film would have on the audiences emotions and make them relate to the main characters feelings as well.

This clip shows how the lighting was used to show how the character feels within the shots and how each different colour means something different, this is also shown in the film The cook, The thief, His wife and Her lover. 

Here, the lighting is white with hints of red this shows it is a very clean, untampered place but the red shows that it is next to the dining room which is more of a dangerous place within the film.

The lighting in the dining room is very dark and red which insinuates that it is a untrusting, dark and evil place where bad things may happen

The green in the kitchen represents it being a safe place 

Also as this style of lighting is more often used within horrors, thrillers and dramas it will help to fool the audience into thinking it is one type of film until they watch to the very end where they will find out the truth. This style of using lighting to show characteristics of a person has also been classically used within film noir to show the light and dark within a character. So for our film lighting offers a lot of possibilities for us in terms of making the film look that extra bit special.

The short film 'fables of forgotten things' is an excellent example of how lighting can be used within a short film to create a strange effect:

part one

part two

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