Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Developing my skills

Over the holiday I acquired myself a Mac Mini with Final Cut Pro and so have been able to practice and develop my skills using Final Cut in preparation for A2 Media.
I produced a promotional trailer compiled of many existing trailers for the upcoming video game 'Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception'.

I encountered numbers of problems whilst creating the trailer which has given me plenty of troubleshooting knowledge for Final Cut; I came across problems with various aspects of compression, audio and video, which I eventually was able to solve completely.

I now use Logic Pro 9 exclusive to Mac rather than Cubase to edit/create music. I have also purchased a professionally made orchestra VST to use in my compositions to allow for a use of high quality, realistic instrumentation. I have continued to compose throughout the summer to develop my skills in music, which I hope I can put to the test in A2 media by creating the soundtrack to our 5 minute film.

 The final product.


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